February 2025 - Member of the Month
John & Michele Crane
Member of the Month
Congratulations John and Michele!
We’re thrilled to announce John and Michele as our Members of the Month for February! The Crane family joined Roots back in 2017. Since then, both John and Michele have remained committed to their fitness journey, consistently showing up and dedicating time to staying active. Eight years later, they’re still going strong! If you spot them in the fitness center, swimming in the lap pool or walking the track, be sure to give them a congratulations!
Nominate a member for our "Member of the Month" program & their fitness story will be featured in our Tinkle Times and on our website so that their story may inspire others, just like they inspired you!
Monthly winners will be chosen by Roots Aquatics and Fitness Center Staff and announced at the beginning of the month. Winners will also receive an exclusive MOTM long sleeve shirt to represent their status of well-being! To be featured, member would have to agree to accept the award! The next winner might even be YOU!
Email your nomination to info@rootsaquatics.com
Hometown: We live in Blandford
What brought you to Roots: We joined Roots because we had heard great things about the facility which was pretty new at the time.
What's one goal you have at Roots or one goal you had that you've since accomplished? Both of us work out to keep our middle aged bodies moving! We have each used the track and the pool and we consistently use the weight room and cardio machines.
What's your favorite winter activity to do together? We downhill ski together all winter and in the summer we enjoy gardening and yard work.
What's your best tip for new members? Though we don’t attend fitness classes, we each have unique goals we work toward and have a specific plan in mind for each work out. Both of us have rehabbed injuries and sometimes our creaky bodies don’t do the things they did when we were younger!